Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hey, I'm Just Sayin' . . .

Dave isn't particularly fond of that phrase, but maybe this post will help him see it a new light :-)


My awesome husband has loved me and tolerated me for forty long years (even longer if you count the two years we dated) in spite of my many flaws - and, for the most part, he's kept a smile on his handsome face the entire time.  In fact, Dave loves me sooooooo much that he didn't even pitch a fit when I told him I wouldn't be home for our anniversary . . . yep, I'm out of town playing with a few of my friends this weekend.  In all fairness, he's missed an anniversary or two himself . . . but he was always gone for WORK, and I can't claim that excuse.

In any case, eventhough I'm gone, I've scheduled this entry to post automatically (sure hope it works!), so he'll know I'm thinking of him even if I'm physically absent.  I even did a little layout to celebrate the occasion . . .

So, Dave - even if I'm not there right now so we can celebrate together, I hope you have at least a slight idea of how much I love you, how grateful I am that I met you at that Sigma Nu party in 1968, and how much I'm looking forward to the next 40 years!

Hey, I'm Just Sayin' . . .

1 comment:

Casey/Amie Stone said...

Aunt Dee & Uncle Dave,

Happy 40th Anniversary!!
Love you both very much!!
