Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Kind of Cricket

Ever since I was a little girl & used to find great pleasure in scaring the bejeezus out of Paula Cook with grasshoppers I'd caught, I've been petrified of bugs . . . hmmm, Karma perhaps?  I could tell you all sorts of ridiculous tales about my bug phobia (maybe another day), but I do remember many years ago telling Dave's brother that crickets were my "worst bug" - I think because they jump AND crunch . . . ick, ick, and more ick!!

I never really thought I'd come across a cricket I thought was CUTE - but I was sooooo wrong! Now tell me - who couldn't love this Cricket?  She was born April 14th at the Denver Zoo, and you can read all about her here.

In fact, if you want to put a smile on your face nearly any day of the week, I highly recommend making a visit to ZooBorns part of your daily routine. Thank you, Ingrid, for telling me about this site . . .  it's become one of my favorite places on the internet :-)

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